Usually when a person walks in to a gym or wants fitness tips, the first thing they want is tips or workouts to reduce the fat. Other than looking better there are other more important benefits to fat loss workouts - actually they are more important necessities if you consider living healthier, longer and happier.
1) Removes overload of the body - If you had to carry a 50 kg load on your back up 3 flights of stairs what do you think would happen to you? I don't think your back and knees would be in very good shape after 10 steps would it? Now think about your body having to take the strain of excess fat. The joints are strained, your knees and ankles are hurting, the spine and posture are off, the heart is on overload, there is no proper blood flow since there is too much fatty acid and its probably causing a thickening of your veins and arteries with plague which is setting you up for a massive heart attack. Start burning off the fat and you are well on your way to reversing those effects.
2) Stops Excess Estrogen and its vicious cycle- In a previous post I mentioned fat gets you into a vicious cycle. Excess estrogen starts to build up and that in turn starts to produce more fat cells. The more fat cells the more estrogen. A good fat loss program will start to produce testosterone and reduce estrogen. Now you can break that cycle and enter a new one - one that starts to build and maintain muscle.
3) Increased muscle and strength: A good fat burning workout has to include a good strength training program. You get stronger and your muscles start to develop. Strength is the most important aspect of the fitness game and for the body to make place for new strength gains it will increase muscle to accommodate for that.
4) Improves Cardio Vascular and Energy systems- The heart is a muscle and a strong one at that. However that doesn't mean you can abuse it. Conditioning and energy system training - also known as cardio for the most part- Strengthens the heart and lungs to work stronger and more efficiently. To burn fat conditioning and energy system training is used frequently. You develop more energy, stamina, lose fat and reverse the bodies fat retaining condition to more of a muscle maintenance and muscle building condition which in turn keeps the fat off and helps you stay lean. (Don't overdo the cardio to burn fat. There has to be a big place for strength training.)
5) Looking better, stronger, healthier- Do I really need to explain this? However your appearance in itself have a lot of things to say about you especially if you are in business. The first impression is usually the most important in any situation. Need to meet that new client? Get that important deal? Looking for a life partner. Many times before a person finds out what you have to say, they have already made their opinion of you on your appearance. Looking good helps your confidence and appearance.
So there you have 5 reasons why you need to prioritize fat loss workouts. Get busy with your fat loss workouts.
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