If there is one topic that is talked a lot about but least followed this is one of them. However if you need to get things done this is where it starts.
What is a goal?
A goal is a strong desire or dream with a deadline to it.
1) Well Defined: A goal should be well defined, not vague. 'I want to lose 5kgs' is much more specific then 'I want to lose weight'. There is no point starting on a journey if you don't know where you are headed.
2) Deadline: A goal should have a deadline. This is what sets the urgency and excitement to it. Also this is what helps in prioritizing and staying focused. Going back to our previous example - 'I want to lose 5 kgs in 1 and a half months.' This will reinforce the priority.
3) Sincere Emotional appeal: If its not connected to a desire on the inside of you, then all you are doing is wishful thinking. You can change that desire to an important objective and get it done.
4) Challenging: A goal should be challenging, yet realistic. If its too difficult you are going to give up halfway. If its too easy chances are high you will not prioritize it.
1) Confidence: As you achieve goals it builds your confidence. You finish one thing and then another and another. You develop a winning attitude
2) Mentally Tough: With each challenge you overcome, you become more and more mentally tough.
3) Problem Solving: With each challenge you learn how to solve the problems that go with it. Your learning curve increases and you learn more things along to way.
4) Experience: In learning new things and applying them you realize what works best and what doesn't. That adds up to experience.
5) Motivation: If you started something that you really wanted to achieve or get, would you really come so far or put in so much effort only to quit in the middle? I did not think so either. Motivation comes from knowing there is a way to get what you really want and that you can get it.
This is what I did to start me on my fat loss routine. Set your goals and achieve something on a daily, weekly and monthly basis for a start. Once you are used to that you can handle longer timelines.
Courtesy: http://temple-of-fitness.blogspot.in/
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