Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Stress - Ten Ways To Beat It

'I need to de-stress.'

'Gideon, what can I do to de-stress?'

'I'm getting tired these days, it must be all the stress.'

I have been hearing a lot of these kind of statements or questions related to stress and distress recently. So I decided to (finally!) put a post down and give insights on things that actually helped me tackle stress head on.

All of us know that stress is not good. Some of the important things that you should know about stress are:

  • It is one of the leading causes of death across the world today.
  • It is a time, relationship and health robber.
  • It keeps you fat.
There are a lot of other negative things it does but these three pretty much cover all of it.

So how do we beat stress? In today's world there are problems and challenges at every corner but there are things you can do to beat stress.

1) STOP WORRYING!!  Jesus Christ said that about 2000+ years ago. If someone like Jesus said this he knows what he is talking about. This might be easier said than done but it is vital to get your thoughts in order. Some of the things people worry about most of the time don't even happen. Think about the solution to the problem and not the problem. 

2) Sleep! - Do not neglect your sleep. I have written a separate post on this earlier. 

3) Time Out: - You need to take some time out on a daily basis. 10 or 15 minutes a day should be good enough. Just quieten yourself down and relax. Don't think about work or anything else. Just relax. This would be a good time to also focus on your breathing which brings me to my next point.

4) Breathe: - If ever there was one quick technique I relied on this was it. In the middle of things just stop and take in deep breaths. Anywhere in between 5 and 10 breaths should be good.

5) Ease off on the eating: - Stop eating so frequently. The digestive system is a system that requires huge amounts of energy to work. I strongly suggest slowing down from food for a while. You can do just vegetables or vegetable juices during the day and eat normally again at night. Another practice you can take up is intermittent fasting also known as IF.

What you eat is also important. As much as possible stop eating sugar and processed foods. These also put an enormous strain on your digestive system causing a lot of stress. Watch what you eat and reduce the frequency. Take a break from eating.

6) Unplug:- It is amazing what time without electronic gadgets do for you. For a while switch off your phone, internet and stay away from your computer. I used to take 24 hours out from all of the gadgets around me. It was sooooooo refreshing. I have written an experience of mine here. There are also hidden dangers of technology which causes massive stress. Unplugging once a while will help.

7) Exercise:- Exercise helps a lot at distressing. You can have an exercise schedule in 10 or 15 minutes. There are studies again and again that show that exercise reduces stress. Get an exercise routine.

8) Sunlight:- Get out into the sun. The Vitamin D assimilation and the light does a lot for you.

9) Walking: Walking is a great way to get your blood circulating and distressing. It loosens you up and keeps you active and your mind fresh. Here is more on walking.

10) Talk to someone: If you have something on your mind or something is wearing you down talk it out. Sometimes you just need to go to someone you can trust and tell them, 'I just need you to listen to me!' Then talk it out. See how much lighter you feel.

There are more techniques to this but these are the most common ones and that you can implement quickly. Start implementing these and start to reduce your stress today.

If this post has helped you please share it with someone. Drop in comments, ask questions and if you need help with distress techniques you can contact me here.

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